Hello Friends
For Christmas this year my daughter decided to make lots of home-made decorations. Of course first up is an advent calendar for the 1st of December. She found a unique one that she fell in love with at blog.dawanda.com. This is her version below. I think it looks awesome.
Now to the instructions on how to make the envelopes.
Firstly cut 25 pieces of paper, my daughter used a Sudoku puzzle cut out of a newspaper, photocopied and printed 24 times. The size depends on the number of chocolates you want to put in the envelopes, my daughter made the ones pictured a bit larger to hold 2 chocolates, 1 for her mum as well. Then fold the square on the diagonal to form a triangle
Now take the corner D across to A, then corner C across to B, so that the edges are parallel to the lower edge. Tuck the front door in the triangle.
Fill the bag with a chocolate or 2, or you might like to put a small gift into each one as a surprise. Next get some round tags or even stickers. My daughter used circles cut out of a sheet of scrap-booking paper and numbered them 1 to 25.
Attach the circles by punching a hole through the top of the envelope and circle, then attach both with bakers twine in a colour of your choosing. Finally hang them from your branch, and enjoy.